Sand table is a term for utilizing constrained sand for educational or modeling purposes. Sand tables are usually utilized for military planning and war gaming for so many field years in map small scale and military training actions. The use of sand table cut down progressively because of the used of advanced satellite photographs, digital land stimulations and maps and aerial. Nowadays, virtual and conventional sand tables are often used for training operations. Using military sand table can be operation, tactical or strategic military planning, training and familiarization. It can improve the visual understanding of river deltas, desert regions, mountain ranges and urban areas.

Warfare has become digital in today’s contemporary world. Nowadays, the military utilizes all the technology at its disposal to carry out their strategies and missions. Many airplanes nowadays, for example, feature modern navigation systems, steering and weapons. However, that does not mean that old school materials and strategies are not being used anymore. In many instances, low technology is still useful. When out in the field, for example, it is not always practical to carry along wide screen TV’s and computers. Thus, many commanding officers make use of a military sand table and drawings to explain to their team what to execute.

Additionally, sand tables deal with various abilities and encourage various senses for children at young ages. This concrete, beneficial educational tool enables the child to control and explore various materials placed in the table. A sand table can also develop your child’s fine motor abilities that will improve his scientific understanding and imagination.